Predict if new questions asked on Stack Overflow will be closed
We all use Stack Overflow, day in and day out, to get answers to our programming questions. The website, its content, and its users provide high quality solutions to reach other programmers. Quality is everything to them and they take it pretty seriously. In this exercise, we will build classifier to detect if questions will end up closed or not.
Closing Questions
Currently about 6% of all new questions end up closed. Questions can be closed as:
- Off topic
- Not constructive
- Not a real question
- Too localized
More in depth descriptions of each reason can be found in the Stack Overflow FAQ. Your goal is to build a classifier that predicts whether or not a question will be closed using a lot of information about the post.
(source Kaggle competition)
Data loading
Let us start by loading an SFrame given in binary format. Assuming the file given to you is in the location FILEPATH, then you can use the following:
sf = gl.SFrame(FILEPATH)
Canvas runs in the background, so you can continue to work as the summary visualizations are computed for you. In the mean time, let us take a quick look at the target column OpenStatus.
Question 1: Now, use the SArray.unique() function to get out the unique values of the column OpenStatus.
unique_stats = sf['OpenStatus'].unique()
It seems like the data was not very clean. That is mostly the case with real world datasets. We need to do some munging here.
Question 2: Add a column to the Sframe called is_closed which is 1 when OpenStatus is "closed" and 0 otherwise. Hint: You can use SArray's boolean operation or the SArray.apply() function.
sf['is_closed'] = sf['OpenStatus'] == "closed"
Creating a balanced dataset.
It looks like only around 2.44% of the data contains closed data. Classification on imbalanced data is a challenging task. Let us make a balanced dataset with an equal number of posts that are open and closed. One way of doing this is to sub sample the data with open posts to create more of a balance. We will accomplish this over the next few questions.
Question 3: Create an SFrame (lets call it sf_closed_only) that only contains the data in the original SFram (sf) where is_closed == 1. Use the SFrame's logical filter to do so.
sf_closed_only = sf[sf['is_closed'] == 1]
Question 4: Let us use the SFrame's sample function to sample about 2.5% of the SFrame (sf) where is_closed = 0. Call the resulting SFrame sf_open_only.
sf_open_only = sf[sf['is_closed'] == 0].sample(0.025)
Question 5: Now, let us use SFrame's append() functionality to append the SFrame sf_open_only with sf_closed_only. Call the resulting SFrame sf_subsampled.
NOTE: In some versions of IPython Notebook the following command must be run twice - the first time yields an error.
sf_subsampled = sf_open_only.append(sf_closed_only)
Question 6: Use the SArray.astype() function to make sure the following columns (in sf_subsampled) are of the right types. Here are the right types.
- ReputationAtPostCreation (int)
- OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime (int)
sf_subsampled['ReputationAtPostCreation'] = sf_subsampled['ReputationAtPostCreation'].astype(int)
sf_subsampled['OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime'] = sf_subsampled['OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime'].astype(int)
Logistic Regresssion
In this section, we will create a classifier that can predict the target is_closed using the other features.
Question 7: Create a train-test split with 80% of the data being in the training set and 20% of the data in the test set. Hint: Using the SFrame.random split() function.
train_sf, test_sf = sf_subsampled.random_split(0.8)
The random split function creates two SFrames. One which we will use for training and a separate SFrame, which we will hold out for testing. The pattern of splitting your data for training and testing is important to ensure that your model is not too specialized for the training data.
Question 8: Use the training data and build a logistic regression classifier with the following features:
- ReputationAtPostCreation
- OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime
and the target is_closed. Use the default options for the logistic regression classifier.
model = gl.logistic_regression.create(train_sf, target='is_closed',
features = ['ReputationAtPostCreation',
Question 9: Use the LogisticClassifier.evaluate() function to get useful statistics about the prediction on the test data (test_sf).
print model.evaluate(test_sf)
{'accuracy': 0.5653733528550512,
'confusion_table': {'false_negative': 0,
'false_positive': 17811,
'true_negative': 0,
'true_positive': 23169}}
That was an accuracy of 56.52%. This isn't great. On closer inspection, you can see that the number of false_positives is too high. This means that the model is predicting all 1's. Let us try and see if we can get more out of our data.
Question 10: Collapse the columns ['Tag1', 'Tag2', 'Tag3', 'Tag4', 'Tag5'] into one column called 'tags_category' (for convinience) as a list type. Use the SFrame.pack_columns() to collapse these columns.
Make sure you do this on both the training and test data.
train_sf = train_sf.pack_columns(column_prefix='Tag', dtype=list, new_column_name='tags_category')
test_sf = test_sf.pack_columns(column_prefix='Tag', dtype=list, new_column_name='tags_category')
Question 11: Dictionaries are easier to work with, so let us convert the column tags_category to type dictionary using the SFrame's apply() function. The keys in the dictionary are the same as the elements in the list. The values of the dictionary are all set to 1.
For example, the list ["a", "b"] must be converted to {"a": 1, "b": 1}
train_sf['tags_dict'] = train_sf['tags_category'].apply(lambda x: {a:1 for a in x})
test_sf['tags_dict'] = test_sf['tags_category'].apply(lambda x: {a:1 for a in x})
Feature Engineering
Let us try the basic benchmark from the Kaggle competition. Use the SArray's apply function to do the following things:
Question 12:
- Create a column called num_tags that counts the number of keys in the columns 'tags_dict'.
- Create a column called BodyMarkdown-Length to count the length of the text in the column 'BodyMarkdown'.
- Create a column called Title-Length to count the length of the text of the column 'Title'.
Note: Remember to do this on your train and test set.
# On the train data
train_sf['num_tags'] = train_sf['tags_dict'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
train_sf['BodyMarkdown-Length'] = train_sf['BodyMarkdown'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
train_sf['Title-Length'] = train_sf['Title'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
# On the test data
test_sf['num_tags'] = test_sf['tags_dict'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
test_sf['BodyMarkdown-Length'] = test_sf['BodyMarkdown'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
test_sf['Title-Length'] = test_sf['Title'].apply(lambda x: len(x))
Question 13:
Create a logisitc regression model using the following features (on the data train_sf):
- ReputationAtPostCreation
- OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime
- num_tags
- BodyMarkdown-Length
- Title-Length
with the target being is_closed.
model = gl.logistic_regression.create(train_sf, target ='is_closed',
features = ['ReputationAtPostCreation',
Question 14:
Again, evaluate your model on the test set ( test_sf).
print model.evaluate(test_sf)
{'accuracy': 0.6072474377745242,
'confusion_table': {'false_negative': 3856,
'false_positive': 12239,
'true_negative': 5572,
'true_positive': 19313}}
That's a bit better but not too much better. The num_tags had the highest coefficients so I suppose the tag data is very useful.
#### Gradient Boosted Trees
Let's see if we can do something in the non-linear space. Graphlab Create has recently added a fast gradient boosting module to train non- linear classifiers. It is a powerful model that can work quite well if you have a few dense features. If gradient boosting doesn't get us anywhere, then we probably want to engineer more features.
Question 15: Create a gradient boosted tree model (on train_sf) with the same features as the above logistic regression module. You must use the objective as classification and use the same features as above i.e:
- ReputationAtPostCreation
- OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime
- num_tags
- BodyMarkdown-Length
- Title-Length
Again, set the target as is_closed.
model = gl.boosted_trees.create(train_sf, target_column ='is_closed',
feature_columns = ['ReputationAtPostCreation',
print model.evaluate(test_sf)
{'accuracy': 0.6542947888374329,
'confusion_table': {'false_negative': 4873,
'false_positive': 9294,
'true_negative': 8517,
'true_positive': 18296}}
That is much better. But I think we can do more if we use our data well.
Advanced Features: Using tag data
This is now a clear indication that we need to use some more features. How about we use the tag_dict as a feature directly. Graphlab Create's logistic regression module makes it super easy to add dictionaries into your model. Think of dictionaries as a collection of columns.
Hint for Question 17: For example, the dictionary {a: 1, b:1, c:2} feature implies that the feature a has value 1, feature b has value 1 and so on. Any features that are not explicitly in the dictionary are assumed to be zero. This way, you can only encode those features that are non-zero. This is perfect for the tag information because different posts may have a different number of tags and it is quite annoying to worry about what the total number of tags are.
Question 17: Now, create a logistic regression module with tags_dict as the feature as well as the same features as above:
- tags_dict (dictionary)
- ReputationAtPostCreation
- OwnerUndeletedAnswerCountAtPostTime
- num_tags
- BodyMarkdown-Length
- Title-Length
Note: Gradient boosted trees are not suitable for datasets with lots of features. Logistic regression is a better choice here.
model = gl.logistic_regression.create(train_sf, target ='is_closed',
features = ['ReputationAtPostCreation',
Question 17: Again, evaluate the model on the test set (test_sf)
print model.evaluate(test_sf)
{'accuracy': 0.6728892142508541,
'confusion_table': {'false_negative': 6209,
'false_positive': 7196,
'true_negative': 10615,
'true_positive': 16960}}
Bonus section: Text data
Title and Body-Markdown are two useful columns with raw text data. Let use the count words function to get some raw word counts.
Bonus question 1: Add a column called title_word_count that counts the number of words in the column Title and a column called body_mark_down_word_count that adds the same for the column BodyMarkdown.
Note: Add this to both your test and train data.
# Train data
train_sf['title_word_count'] = train_sf['Title'].count_words()
train_sf['body_markdown_count'] = train_sf['BodyMarkdown'].count_words()
# Test data
test_sf['title_word_count'] = test_sf['Title'].count_words()
test_sf['body_markdown_count'] = test_sf['BodyMarkdown'].count_words()
Bonus question 2: Add the features title_word_count and body_mark_down_word_count to the logistic regression classifier.
model = gl.logistic_regression.create(train_sf, target ='is_closed',
features = ['ReputationAtPostCreation',
Bonus Question 3: Again, evaluate the model on the test set (test_sf)
print model.evaluate(test_sf)
{'accuracy': 0.704123962908736,
'confusion_table': {'false_negative': 6399,
'false_positive': 5726,
'true_negative': 12085,
'true_positive': 16770}}